The Distance Geometry of Music


We demonstrate relationships between the classic Euclidean algorithm and many other fields of study, particularly in the context of music and distance geometry. Specifically, we show how the structure of the Euclidean algorithm defines a family of rhythms which encompass over forty timelines (emphostinatos) from traditional world music. We prove that these emphEuclidean rhythms have the mathematical property that their onset patterns are distributed as evenly as possible: they maximize the sum of the Euclidean distances between all pairs of onsets, viewing onsets as points on a circle. Indeed, Euclidean rhythms are the unique rhythms that maximize this notion of emphevenness. We also show that essentially all Euclidean rhythms are emphdeep: each distinct distance between onsets occurs with a unique multiplicity, and these multiplicies form an interval $1,2,…,k−1$. Finally, we characterize all deep rhythms, showing that they form a subclass of generated rhythms, which in turn proves a useful property called shelling. All of our results for musical rhythms apply equally well to musical scales. In addition, many of the problems we explore are interesting in their own right as distance geometry problems on the circle; some of the same problems were explored by Erdős in the plane.

Computational Geometry: Theory and Application